Sunday, July 14, 2024

Episode 48 - Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

As soon as he got out of the car and started walking up to the high school, Vince regretted not taking his mom up on the offer to call in sick. Word was out about what had happened the night before and everyone knew that he had been there. He ignored the looks and the whispers as he made his way down the hall.

He hadn't even made it through the front hall when he heard Maura call out his name. If it had been anyone else, he would have kept walking, but for his sister he stopped and turned around.

Maura had walked into the building with the Wiltons, but left them behind to run up to him and throw her arms around him in a big hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she gushed. "You are okay, aren't you?"

"I'm fine," he said with a shrug. "Natalie and Mr. Kitteridge were the ones in real danger."

"I know," she said sympathetically. "They were so lucky you were there. You're a real hero."

Vince wished he could agree, but he couldn't even muster a smile for his sister. He was spared from further adoration when Judith caught up to them.

"He doesn't believe me. You tell him. Maybe he'll believe you," Maura said to her friend.

"Can you give us a minute to talk?" Judith asked.

"Oh," Maura said, suddenly serious. "Sure. I think I'm going to look for Natalie and see how she's doing." She gave her brother another hug and hurried off.

"I can't talk long. My mom is watching us, isn't she?"

Vince looked over her shoulder to see Mrs. Wilton glaring in his direction and nodded.

"I'm only supposed to talk with you long enough to break up with you," Judith began, rolling her eyes. "My parents found out that we were supposedly dating which is forbidden according to their stupid rules, so I now I'm grounded and I have to let you know that it's over."

"Oh. That's okay," he said with a shrug. Their fake romance scheme was the least of his concerns right now.

"It's so stupid," she said crossing her arms in front of her in annoyance. "But I think it had run its course anyway, don't you? Maura and I talked and I told her we were just pretending. She's going to try to be more understanding."

"I guess it worked out then."

Judith couldn't help notice that Vince seemed disinterested and she wondered if she had said the wrong thing. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you out with the girl you liked. I could still put in a good word for you. I could let everyone know you were a good boyfriend, but just leave out the fake part."

"Don't worry about it. I don't think it matters anyway." When he looked over Judith's shoulder he saw Alma watching them and looking increasingly impatient. "Your mom looks like she's about to march over here in a minute."

Judith sighed and rolled her eyes. "God. I wish she would get off my back already."

"I should try to look like I'm being dumped, right? Want me to make a scene?"

The mix of intrigue and panic that crossed Judith's face nearly made Vince crack a smile, but he held back.

"No, I don't think so," she declined.

"How about a heartbroken look?"

Judith laughed at his attempt to look devastated. "It's alright. I think I'd better go. Thanks for being cool. I'll see you around."

* * * * *

Jeremy nervously watched Maura and Natalie talk from across the hall. A plan had been brewing in his mind and he was trying to find the right words and work up the nerve to go through with it. He took a deep breath and made his way over.

"I really hope your dad is going to be alright."

"Me too. I'm hoping I can visit him this afternoon or at least get an update on how he's doing."

"Let me know what you find out."

As Jeremy walked up to them, Maura greeted him with a smile and linked her arm in his.

Jeremy and Natalie exchanged an awkward glance before Natalie changed the subject. "Is your brother at school today? I still have his cell phone from last night."

"Yeah, I think he has science first period."

"I'm going to see if I can catch him before class starts." She avoided making eye contact and hurried away.

"I feel so bad for her," Maura said once Natalie was out of earshot. "I mean I've never met my father, but to finally meet your dad after so long just to maybe lose him. It's so sad."

"Yeah," Jeremy said absently. He didn't want to interrupt her line of thought, but he was afraid if he didn't say what he came over to say, he wouldn't ever. "Listen, I've been thinking about something since last night that I want to talk to you about."

Maura turned to Jeremy giving him her full attention. "What is it?"

"I feel kind of bad for Judith getting in trouble with our parents last night. It's got to be hard for her to not be allowed to date, but to still have to see us together as a couple, don't you think?"

Maura squeezed Jeremy's arm affectionately. "You are so sweet and sensitive to think about your sister and her feelings. That is exactly why I like you so much!"

"I'm not that-" he started, but Maura cut him off.

"Yes, you are, but you don't have to worry about Judith. She told me last night that she and Vince were never really dating. It was all an act, so there's nothing for her to get over."

Jeremy was thrown off guard, but struggled find a way to press forward. "But, um, she is pretty upset with our parents though. It's kind of unfair that we can date but she can't, don't you think?"

"Well, yeah . . ."

"I just feel like we should do something to show her we're on her side."

"Like what?"

"Like maybe we should break up in protest, to show our solidarity, for Judith."

Jeremy held his breath as Maura moved away from him and her face contorted in confusion.

"What good would that do?" she asked with a laugh.

Jeremy exhaled defeated.

"No, that wouldn't help Judith at all. She doesn't even want to be in a relationship anyway, she just wants the right to be in one. You and I being together or not has nothing to do with that," Maura explained. "You are such a good brother to care for her so much. I'm sure she already knows she has our support and I know she wouldn't want us to sacrifice our happiness because of this."

"Maybe we should ask her?" Jeremy suggested weakly. He was entertaining the idea that he could get Judith to convince Maura that she was bothered by them being together, but he already knew that plan was destined to fail.

Maura just laughed again. "You worry too much. She'll be fine. Trust me."

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