Sunday, July 28, 2024

Episode 50 - Unexpected Visitors

"Mrs. Kitteridge," the nurse called gently from the doorway. "We need to prep your husband for surgery now."

Cassie had dozed off in her chair and it took her a moment to orient herself to where she was. She had hoped the events of the previous night had all been a dream, but seeing Blaine in the hospital bed, still unconscious and hooked up to monitors, the nightmare was real. Reluctantly she arose from chair where she had spent the last twelve hours. She couldn't bring herself to leave his side.

The nurse beaconed her to the doorway and escorted her from the room. "You should try to get some rest. We will call you as soon as there is any news."

Cassie shook her head. "I'm not leaving him."

"Is there anyone we can call to sit with you while you wait?" the nurse asked as they walked down the hallway together.

Cassie's mind drew a blank. Vanessa was watching the kids. Chloe was out of town. The only person she wanted was Blaine.

Physically and emotionally drained, Cassie followed the nurse to the waiting room in a daze. It barely registered when someone in the waiting room called her name. When she looked up and saw the person calling her, she could hardly believe her eyes.

"Zara?" Even when her twin sister hugged her, she couldn't believe she was actually there. "What are you doing here? How did you know?"

"I'm not the psychic one in the family, if that's what you're thinking. Mother called and told me something was up. Then I called Vanessa and she filled me in on what happened."

"Our mother knows?" Cassie asked confused. "I'm not even speaking with her."

"She mentioned that." Zara changed the subject back to the matter at hand, "How are you holding up?"

When Cassie just shook her head, unable to speak, Zara hugged her again. "When is the last time you've eaten?" When Cassie shrugged, Zara took her arm. "Let's see if we can find a cafeteria in this place."

In the hospital cafeteria, Cassie stared at the tray of food that Zara had made her get. She pushed the food around on her plate for a few minutes, before pushing the entire tray away, unable to take the first bite. "I'm sorry, I can't. Not until the surgery is over and he wakes up and I know he's alright."

"It's alright," Zara reassured her. "But it's okay to take care of yourself right now. Blaine is going to need you when he wakes up."

"I don't know that he will. He might not even want me here," Cassie said, tears brimming in her eyes. "And if he doesn't, I couldn't blame him."

"Of course Blaine would want you here. What are you talking about?"

"Before the accident we had a terrible fight. I figured out that Natalie was Blaine's daughter before Reese told him and I kept it from him. He was so mad when he found out I knew; he couldn't stand to be around me. I'm sure that's the reason he was working late last night, even though I begged him to stay home. I knew something was going to happen, but I couldn't stop it. When he walked out the door, I felt like it was for the last time."

"Cassie," Zara said gently, reaching across the table to touch her sobbing sister's hand. "I know you know things, but you couldn't have known what was going to happen last night before it did. Sometimes bad things happen and no one has the ability to prevent them. Even if you hadn't fought, he might have worked late last night."

"I've been having these bad feelings for months though. If he hadn't been so angry with me, he would have listened when I told him to stay home," Cassie insisted. "I should have told him when Reese called instead of trying to hide it from him. I should have told him when I met Natalie and saw that she looked like him. I was just so afraid that I was going to lose him and now we've all lost him."

"Hey, you haven't lost him yet. What did the doctors tell you about his prognosis? They're expecting him to pull through this, right?"

"I guess. I don't know," Cassie put her hands to her face and shook her head. "I'm not sure what they told me."

"Then we'll talk to them and find out together."

I can't concentrate. All I can think about is trying to come up with a bargain. If he's okay, I'll . . .I don't know how to finish that. Be a better person? I tried, but I wasn't good enough. I know I never really deserved him. My life with him was too good to be true and if he doesn't make it, it's probably what I deserve."

"Oh Cassie," Zara sighed. "Don't torture yourself like this. You're exhausted and stressed and spinning out. What you need to do right now is just focus on supporting Blaine and giving him your positive thoughts. All that matters is that he is going to get through this, okay? You have to believe that."

"I'll try," Cassie said weakly. "I'm so glad you're here."

"My latest project for work just wrapped up, so I was able to drop everything and come. I was going to call and tell you that my new assignment is here in Bay Pointe, so I'll be around for a while. If there's anything you need, help with the house or the kids, just let me know."

Cassie hugged her sister. "Just being here is enough. I didn't realize how much I just needed you."

* * * * *

"Okay, everyone, I have snacks," Vanessa called out as she set a tray on the dining room table. As Jen scrolled on her phone and Will, Doug, and Cyndi played in the living room, Vanessa turned to her husband with instructions. "Dinner is in the fridge, you just have to warm it up when you're hungry. Make sure you check the kids' homework and that Will finishes his history project."

"Yes, ma'am. Will do," Logan replied as he put his arms around his wife and gave her a kiss.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay watching all the kids? I hate to leave you on your own with a house full."

"No, I love it. Are you doubting me?"

"Never," she promised with a kiss.

"Then go be with Cassie at the hospital and don't worry about us. I'll hold down the fort here as long as you need."

With another goodbye to Logan and to the kids, Vanessa grabbed her bag, resisted the urge to ask again if anyone needed anything, then headed out the door. As she closed the door behind her, she was surprised to see Brooke sitting on the porch staring across the yard.

"What are you doing out here, hon? I have some snacks inside if you're hungry."

"No, thanks."

Vanessa stopped to sit next to her. "I'm just on my way to the hospital to see how your mom and dad are doing. I can call you when I get there with an update. I know you must be worried. Do you want to talk about it?"

Brooke shook her head.

"Everyone at the hospital is doing everything they can to take the best care of your dad. Hopefully we'll have some good news soon." When it was clear that Brooke wasn't interested in talking, Vanessa rose to leave. "I promise I'll give you an update as soon as I can, okay, hon?"

As Vanessa started to walk down the steps a car pulled up in front of the house. Vanessa swore under her breath when she saw who it was. What was she doing here?

Brooke jumped up at the sight of the car and waved. "Gram!"

Vanessa plastered an insincere smile on her face as Serena walked up to the house. "Serena," she stretched out the name and tried to muster as much false pleasantness as she could as the other woman stepped out of the car. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to help look after my grandchildren while their mother is unavailable."

"That's thoughtful of you, but you needn't bother. They are being well taken care of."

"I am their grandmother," Serena said coldly. "Being here for them is never a bother."

Vanessa had to bite her tongue. Serena was Cassie and Zara's mother, but between being locked away in a mental institution and in jail for murdering their shared ex-husband, Vanessa had been as much of a mother to them as she had. As much as Cassie loved her mother, over the years she realized that Serena was usually not a positive presence in their lives.

Vanessa glanced back at Brooke who was eagerly listening to their conversation and chose her words carefully. "Yes, but their mother made it clear that she felt most comfortable with us watching the kids while she's at the hospital. And right now, I think making things as less stressful for Cassie is the most important thing we can do. Don't you agree, hon?"

Serena cringed, but did not argue. "Of course."

"I'm sure the kids appreciate you checking in." Vanessa tried to hint that it was time to leave, but Serena didn't budge.

"I was actually just wanting to talk to you about something, Gram," Brooke spoke up.

Vanessa looked at Brooke in surprise while a hint of a smile crossed Serena's lips. "I had a feeling you did." Her eyes darted to Vanessa. "I wouldn't want to intrude."

Vanessa fought the urge to wipe the smug smile off of Serena's face and instead kept up her pleasant facade. "Not at all. You're welcome to stay and chat for a while." She patted Brooke on the arm. "Just remember Logan will have dinner ready soon. Don't wander too far or make your visit too long."

Vanessa shot Serena a warning look before she got into her car. As she pulled out of the driveway, she immediately called Logan to let him know to keep an eye on them. Once Vanessa's car was driving away, Serena turned her attention to Brooke. "Now, dear. Let's take a walk and you can tell me what's on your mind."

Serena and Brooke walked in silence for several minutes, Serena patiently waiting for Brooke to find the words to speak what was on her mind.

"You know the present you got me for my birthday?" she asked hesitantly. "It isn't for real, is it?"

"Of course it is."

"I mean, I know it's real, like it's a real book. But the spells in it aren't real, are they? I mean they wouldn't actually do anything, right?"

"They are absolutely real," Serena insisted. "The women in our family, some of us, have a gift. Your mother and I have it, but our sisters do not. Soon we will find out whether or not you have it as well."

"So maybe the spells in the book will work for me and maybe they won't?"

"Maybe," Serena replied cryptically. She gave Brooke a sideways look. "Perhaps it would be a good idea if you told me what you did."

Brooke sighed. "You won't be mad at me?"

"I gave you the book. I couldn't be mad. But I think you should tell me."

Brooke took a deep breath. "Alright. I just wanted to get Natalie out of the way, so she would stop butting in on our family and I could have my dad back." She spoke quickly, trying to get it all out at once, before her emotions started to overtake her. "I didn't know there was going to be a fire. I didn't know my Dad was going be there. Please, tell me, is there a way to undo it. I didn't mean it."

"Oh, child," Serena set an arm on her granddaughter's shoulder. "Once something has been done it cannot be undone, but you mustn't blame yourself for anything that has happened." She stopped and gazed across the neighborhood at Reese's house. "You're not the one to blame."

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