Sunday, October 13, 2024

Episode 61 - Working Relationships

After work, Lawrence sat down with Shayna in his home office as she briefed him on the latest developments from her work.

"I have a lot of ideas for holiday preparation and charity events that I plan to present at the next women's meeting," she reported. "I'm still looking into applicants for the new residence. It's a shame the Carr's backed out because they were so perfect."

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Episode 60 - A Lot to Ask

"Good morning," Paige greeted Lance tersely as he joined his older brother at the breakfast table.

She started to put a plate with an omelet in front of him, but he stopped her.

"I'm not in the mood for omelets," he said, turning up his nose at her breakfast. "I'll have a waffle."

"I'm sorry," she replied with forced sweetness. "I didn't make waffles this morning, just omelets. I can put waffles on the menu for tomorrow."

"Hmmm," Lance pretended to think it over. "I think I might want something different tomorrow, Miss Paige. Oops, I mean Miss Parker."

Paige took the plate away and passed it to Lorna who had just entered the dining room. She spoke through gritted teeth, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Fine. One waffle coming up."

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Episode 59 - Disappointments

"Go to your room, while I decide what your punishment is going to be," Shayna ordered Julian as she marched him into the house. She couldn't believe she was called in to pick him up from the school for a fight. She had hoped she would be spared further humiliation by avoiding a conflict with Andrew too. Unfortunately, he was already home from work and walking into the kitchen as they entered the house.

Andrew stopped Julian in his tracks. "Wait a second. What's going on?"

Shayna wanted to snap at him to mind his own business, but Julian answered first.

"I got into a fight after school."

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Episode 58 - Big Mistakes

As Julian walked through the hallway after school, he came across Elden unexpectedly. He paused as he considered turning around and going in the opposite direction, but ultimately kept his head down and walked forward, avoiding eye contact.

"Is that how it's going to be?" Elden asked. "You're just going to pretend like I don't exist anymore?"

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Episode 57 - Holding Out

Judith barely waited for her mother to put the car into park at the school parking lot before flinging open her door and jumping out of the car. She had done her best to ignore her mother's attempts at conversation on the way to school, but just sitting in the same car together for the short drive to school had her feeling trapped. With her mom working as a sub at her school too, it felt like she could never get a break from her.

"Judith!" Alma called after her daughter, but she didn't turn around or acknowledge her in any way.